Traffic Safety Before and After School
We ask that all Lynahven families follow the rules of the road while driving near school

Dear Lynhaven Families,
While it easy to be caught up in the rush of morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up, we ask that you always prioritize safety. Drivers need to follow all the rules of the road, including the posted School Zone speed limit of 25 mph.
Just as you want drivers to be safe near your homes, our Lynhaven neighbors ask that all of our drivers are safe near their homes.
Every instructional minute does count. No instructional minutes count more than each of us doing our part to keep the community safe.
Want to report unsafe driving or traffic violations on the city streets near school? Please report them to the City of San Jose at (408) 277-8900. Want to request a speed monitor from the City of San Jose? Please contact them at (408) 535-3850.
In partnership,
Ms. Callaway-Wilson,