Make School Attendance a Positive Routine
September is Attendance Awareness Month.

Positive school attendance is as important during distance learning as it is when students are physically in school. With this new way of teaching and learning, it is important that students are present, engaged and supported.
Staff still takes attendance and tracks each child’s engagement each day. Maintaining morning and evening routines is a great way to support your child’s attendance and education.
Involve your child in developing a routine. For example:
- The night before school, have your child help set up the work area, lay out materials, and check to ensure that their schoolwork is complete. Preparations done the night before help to ease the start of the next day.
- In the morning, they can use an alarm clock to allow time for breakfast and then get settled at least 5-10 minutes before the first online session.
These routines can help when it comes time to transition back to in-person learning, also. For more positive attendance tips and ideas, visit our Attendance Awareness newsletter: