Lynhaven Lynxletter

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Upcoming Events

Lynx Bulletin March 20th, 2025

Lynx Bulletin March 20th, 2025   Important Dates:   March 3/18-3/21 5th Grade Science Camp 3/20 General Association Meeting/Board Elections 3/21 Professional Development Day (No School) 3/25 1st Grade - Field Trip 3/28 Health Wellness…

Lynx Bulletin

March 20th, 2025


Important Dates:

save the date


3/18-3/21 5th Grade Science Camp
3/20 General Association Meeting/Board Elections
3/21 Professional Development Day (No School)
3/25 1st Grade - Field Trip
3/28 Health Wellness Workshop 8:30am - 9:30am
Spirit Days

Spirit Days!

MARCH 28 Twin Day
April 25 Mismatch Day
May 30 Funky Frame Day  
June 11 Tropical Day 
Please note dates and themes are subject to change.
Subscribe to Lynhaven Calendar

School Announcements:

talent show

Lynhaven's Got Talent!

  • Talent Show: We are excited to announce that Lynhaven will be having a talent show this year! It will take place on Friday May 16th from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM in the Lynhaven Multi Use Room.
  • Auditions: Auditions will be held right after school on April 17th and 18th.
  • Applications: Talent show applications will be sent out at the end of March, so please keep an eye out for them!
We encourage all students to participate and showcase their talents. Mark your calendars! We can't wait!

Portal Opens on March 17, 2025

Campbell Care

Campbell Care 2025-2026

Campbell Care provides a safe and engaging environment for students before and after school. In the morning, students can ease into their day with activities like coloring, puzzles, and board games, with a breakfast snack available for early arrivals. After school, students explore hands-on, STEAM-focused enrichment through clubs and activities such as science, cooking, music, art, dance, sports, and more—ensuring there’s something for everyone.

Messages from PTA!


PTA New Board Members 2025-2026

Lynhaven PTA Needs YOU!
Wow—what an amazing year we've had, thanks to YOU! From Kinder Round Up to Science Camp, Dine Out Nights, and the Scholastic Book Fair, none of this would have been possible without your support. But now, we need your help to keep the momentum going!
👉 We need new PTA board members for next year—including the essential roles of President, Treasurer, and Secretary. If these aren't filled, Lynhaven's PTA could be dissolved, which means many of the awesome events and support we’ve built together will disappear.
💡 No experience? No problem! Training is available, and your help will make a huge difference for our students and school.
📅 Join us for the General Association Meeting & Potluck on March 20 at 6 PM in the MU Room—come share a meal and help shape the future of our PTA!
Let’s keep Lynhaven strong—your involvement matters!

Walk-a-Thon T-Shirts Orders

Don’t forget—our Walk-a-Thon is happening on May 2nd!
You can still pre-order your t-shirts and show your Lynhaven spirit.
👉 Follow these easy steps to order:
Create an account (we'll need to know who your student(s) are)
✅ Select your t-shirt and place your order!
For Walkathon related questions, please contact: secretary [at] () 

2024-2025 Yearbook

Customize Your Yearbook!
Don't miss out on capturing this year’s memories! Personalize your yearbook with custom pages and order yours today.
🛒 To purchase:
2️⃣ Enter passcode: 1017093273693622
💲 Price: $22.86
🎨 Customize your pages by April 30! Make it uniquely yours before the deadline. Order now! 🎉
If you have any concerns regarding your student being in the yearbook please contact yearbook [at] by 4/14. 

Community Resources

From Community Liaison - Noelia Smith


Attendance Information:

Families have 20 school days to report an absence.


(408) 341-7041

lynhaven_attendance [at]

CUSD Attendance Policy

Helpful Links:

Classroom Volunteer Link
Field Trip Volunteer Link
Bell Schedule
After School Care
Lunch Menu

After School Care Registration is Open

All families can submit requests. State law requires priority placement for some students.

collage of smiling students in different activities, such as performing in a play, playing soccer, working with legos and more

Looking for after-school care for the 2025-26 school year? Campbell Union School District provides school-based before and after-school programs designed to support students and families.

Priority Registration for Eligible Families

Through the Expanded Learning Opportunity Program (ELOP), students in TK-5 who meet any of the following criteria receive priority registration for after-school care:
✔ Homeless or Foster Youth
✔ English Learners (currently receiving services)
✔ Students qualifying for Free or Reduced-Price Meals (application on file with the Nutrition Department)

Families who qualify for priority enrollment can register now. Visit our CampbellCare webpage for full details.

Can Non-ELOP Students Register?

We understand that many families rely on after-school programs. If your child does not meet the priority criteria, please submit an interest request for the 2025-26 school year. Once priority enrollment is complete, we fill remaining spots from the interest list. If demand exceeds available space, non-ELOP placements will be determined through a lottery system.

Don’t wait—submit your request today!

Professional Development This Friday

We Are Learners

a man stands near a screen projection as adults sitting in the room listen to him

This Friday, March 21st, is a district-wide Professional Development Day, meaning students will have the day off while our teachers and administrators focus on their learning to better support students’ needs. This dedicated time allows our educators to collaborate, enhance their skills, and deepen their knowledge—all with the goal of strengthening high-quality instruction in our schools.

Lynx Bulletin March 14th, 2025

​ ​ Lynx Bulletin March 14th, 2025 ​ ​ ​ ​   ​ ​ ​ ​ Respect Our Restrooms – A Message for All Grades ​ Mrs. Maria, our amazing custodian, works hard every day to keep our campus clean — from handling bathroom accidents,…

Lynx Bulletin
March 14th, 2025
Respect Our Restrooms – A Message for All Grades
Mrs. Maria, our amazing custodian, works hard every day to keep our campus clean — from handling bathroom accidents, spills, and unpleasant accidents, to picking up trash and so much more. Lately, there has been an increase in unnecessary messes, like bringing tanbark into the restrooms and misusing the facilities.
It takes a lot of time, effort, and pride to keep our school looking great, and it’s unfair and disrespectful to create messes on purpose.
Please have a conversation with your students to show respect for the hard work that goes into keeping it clean and do their part.
In Partnership,
Important Dates:

save the date

3/18-3/21 5th Grade Science Camp
3/20 General Association Meeting/Board Elections
3/21 Professional Development Day (No School)
3/25 1st Grade - Field Trip
3/28 Health Wellness Workshop 8:30am - 9:30am

Spirit Days

Spirit Days!
MARCH 28 Twin Day
April 25 Mismatch Day
May 30 Funky Frame Day  
June 11 Tropical Day 
Please note dates and themes are subject to change.

Subscribe to Lynhaven Calendar
School Announcements:
Portal Opens on March 17, 2025

Campbell Care

Campbell Care 2025-2026
Campbell Care provides a safe and engaging environment for students before and after school. In the morning, students can ease into their day with activities like coloring, puzzles, and board games, with a breakfast snack available for early arrivals. After school, students explore hands-on, STEAM-focused enrichment through clubs and activities such as science, cooking, music, art, dance, sports, and more—ensuring there’s something for everyone.


Spring photos

Spring Pictures
Spring photo samples are going home today! Each sample includes a unique ID and access code, allowing you to place your order online. Be sure to check your child's backpack for their sample!
For questions, please contact Lifetouch Customer Care at 1-800-736-4753 or visit


Report Cards

Report Cards: Trimester 2
A reminder, report cards can be found at any time via Powerschool.
If you are unable to log into Powerschool please email your students name to receive instructions: bibarra [at]

Messages from PTA!
PTA Informational Booth 3/17-3/20
PTA will have an informational booth before and after school at the front and back school entrances. Please stop by for more information regarding PTA, or if you would like to volunteer or provide support for the next upcoming events.
Walk-A-Thon 5/25
Hello, Lynhaven families! 
We’re excited to see that many of you have already ordered your Walkathon t-shirt online! Here’s a link to purchase: 
When making an online purchase, make sure you have an existing account on our PTA website (, so that you can select your student when making your purchase. 
For those who prefer to order in person, please stop by the PTA table on Tuesday, March 18th. We’ll be in front of the school from 7:45-8:30am AND 2:00-2:30pm. Shirts cost $20. Please bring cash, exact change. 
Please note that as in previous years, shirts are typically delivered the week of the event. Walkathon is on 5/2/25. 
Thank you so much for supporting PTA’s biggest fundraiser and school wide event! 
For Walkathon related questions, please contact: secretary [at] () 

2024-2025 Yearbook
Good news yearbooks are in creation!
In the next week your students will be coming home with flyers detailing how to buy them.  To guarantee your student gets a yearbook before school ends you need to buy online through the Treerings website.  
There will be a limited number of yearbooks available for in person sales on a first come-first serve basis.  
If you have any concerns regarding your student being in the yearbook please contact yearbook [at] by 4/14. 


Attendance Information:
Families have 20 school days to report an absence.
(408) 341-7041
lynhaven_attendance [at]
CUSD Attendance Policy
Helpful Links:
Classroom Volunteer Link
Field Trip Volunteer Link
Bell Schedule
After School Care
Lunch Menu


Dear Lynhaven Community, First of all, we would like to  THANK YOU ALL  for your continued support with our Lynhaven Elementary School PTA.  Here are a few successful events we accomplished together that enriched the lives for our students,…

Dear Lynhaven Community,

First of all, we would like to THANK YOU ALL for your continued support with our Lynhaven Elementary School PTA.  Here are a few successful events we accomplished together that enriched the lives for our students, teachers/staff, and for our child’s school for this 2024 - 25:

  • Kinder Round Up

  • Funding for Class Field Trips

  • Funding for 5th Grade Science Camp

  • Staff Reimbursements for Classroom Enrichment

  • Dine Out Night Fundraisers

  • Provided New ABC shirts for ALL Students/Staff

  • Scholastic Book Fair

  • Stories Under the Stars

  • And much much more

All these successes and accomplishments would have not been possible 

without your involvement, dedication, and participation!!!

If you have not volunteered and/or would like to help out, it is not too late.  Here are the last PTA events for the year: 

March 20 General Association Meeting/Board Elections

May 2  Walkathon

May 5 - 9 Staff Appreciation Week

May 22  Last General Association Meeting (2024-25)

To continue all this hard work we have done towards next school year, at our next General Association Meeting (3/20), we will need to ELECT NEW BOARD MEMBERS for 2025-2026.  Unfortunately, if we are unable to elect 3 minimum essential roles of  PRESIDENT, TREASURER AND SECRETARY, our PTA will become non-compliant with our PTA bylaws, and we will need to dissolve Lynhaven’s PTA at the end of this year (June 2025).  As a result of ending PTA, student enrichment and school support events listed above may not be attainable for 2025 - 26.  In addition, we would love to see more volunteers come forward to help with event planning, fundraising efforts, design, communication, and other PTA positions to support our Lynhaven community (no experience needed and training is available).  

March 17 - 20, PTA will have an informational booth before and after school at the front and back school entrances.  Please stop by for more information regarding PTA, or if you would like to volunteer or provide support for the next upcoming events.  Again, ALL this would not be possible without your continued support and dedication!!!

March 20 General Association Meeting @ 6pm Multi-Use Room  

(POTLUCK dinner - bring something to share)

With Gratitude,

2024 - 2025 Lynhaven PTA Executive Board