Principal Changes for Several Schools
District announces new school administrator teams

Sometimes, a change in one part of a system leads to changes in other parts. As two of our current school principals retire in June, the vacancies opened opportunities for others. Because of this, several of our schools will experience a change in leadership.
Also, as school principals’ responsibilities have expanded over the years, we have added part-time assistant principals to two of our elementary schools. They will spend the other half of their time supporting programs for students with additional learning needs.
Blackford: Current Principal Anne Ajlouni is retiring. Blackford’s new principal in 2023-24 will be Veronica Valencia. She has worked in our district for 16 years as a teacher and site administrator, most recently as Assistant Principal at Monroe Middle School.
Campbell School of Innovation: Principal Kami Thordarson is retiring. Xyzzy Godfrey, currently the principal of Village School. An employee of CUSD for 16 years, she has been a teacher and site administrator, and will join Assistant Principal Stephanie Day in furthering the CSI mission.
Capri: The new school year will bring a new part-time Assistant Principal: Lisa Wiseman. She has worked in our district for 15 years as a teacher and district-level Teacher on Special Assignment.
Village: The new principal for our parent participation school will be Alicia Mommer. Principal Mommer brings a unique combination of administrative experience in both public schools and the nonprofit sector, as well as extensive experience as a classroom teacher at a parent participation school.
Monroe Middle: Current Marshall Lane Principal Patrick Sieler, who has extensive experience as a middle school teacher and administrator, will be moving to Monroe Middle School, working as co-administrator with Principal Ruth Stephens Radle.
Marshall Lane: Marshall Lane’s new Principal for 2023-24 will be Amy Vanderbosch, current assistant principal at Rolling Hills. She will be joined by new Assistant Principal Michelle Beddo for 50% of her time. She has worked in our district for 19 years, first as a teacher, and currently as Administrator of Accountability & Learning.
Rolling Hills Middle: The district has begun the hiring process for a new assistant principal for Rolling Hills. When the new administrator has been hired, we will notify Rolling Hills staff and families.
In the words of Socrates, "the secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new." We are confident in these new leadership teams and hope you will join us in welcoming them.