Middle School Here They Come!
We had a beautiful afternoon saying goodbye to our 5th graders!

Thank you all for coming out this afternoon to celebrate this milestone for our students. One of my favorite authors is Theodore Giesel otherwise known as Dr. Seuss, and he’s quoted as saying,
Don’t cry because it’s over, SMILE because it happened”
That sums up this day. As you transition from elementary school to middle school, you do so as readers, mathematicians, budding scientists, writers, beginning poets, athletes, artists, engineers, and most of all role models of what hard work looks like. Today is the first of many steps you’ll be taking in your educational career. We've watched you all grow into leaders and role models on this campus. This has never been more apparent than it was these last 60 days when you had only a few days to transition to Distance Learning. You had to say goodbye to your teachers, your friends, and become online learners in only a matter of days! To say we're proud of you is an understatement.
To the families , THANK YOU! Thank you for supporting your child through not only past years of homework, scary first days of school, fun school parties, chaperoning field trips, science projects, class presentations, good report cards and not so good report cards. We will not forget how you all became teachers for the last 60 days either, and this was no easy feat! You deserve a big round of applause for all of your hard work!
To our fifth graders, YOU DID IT! You’re just a few hours away from being middle school students. I know it’s bittersweet because you’re leaving people you care about and people who care about you. But know that we’ll always be here. Whether you’ve been here for 6 years or 1 month, Lynhaven is your home!
I’d like to remind you of a quote from our former First Lady, Michelle Obama, and I hope you don’t ever forget this:
“With an education, you have everything you need to rise above all the noise and fulfill every last one of your dreams!”
Thank you to Ms. Calicchio, Mrs. Schonig, Mr. Cronin, Ms. Johnson, Mrs. Bies, Mrs. Day, Ms. Patenaude, Mrs. Gupta, and Mr. Shandonay for working together to support these students and to prepare them for middle school.
Good luck to our Lynhaven Elementary School promoting class of 2020, and the high school graduating class of 2027! Have a wonderful summer, stay healthy, and keep in touch!
With love,
Ms. Rowan and Ms. Ajlouni
Please enjoy a few pictures from our drive through promotion today!