Lynhaven Elementary School

Recap of April and May

Dear Lynhaven Families, 

As we prepare to wrap up the 2022-2023 school, I would like to take a moment to revisit some very exciting events that took place at Lynhaven Elementary in the months of April and May.  

Walk-a-Thon Fundraiser - 4.21.23

Our walk-a-thon was a huge success!!! Thank you to the tireless efforts of our PTA, volunteers, and staff that pitched in to make this an event to remember. Some of the benefits of a having walk-a-thon are, it brings our community together, it promotes a healthy and active lifestyle, and we were able to raise over $11,000.00 for our school. Because we raised so much, our students earned a special Kona Ice Party from our fabulous PTA!!! WAY TO GO!!!😀 

Parent University - 4.28.23

We had a great turn out for our Parent University where topics of Literacy, Identifying our Emotions, and the Importance of Routines were discussed. Our presenters did an awesome job sharing information and tips on how to best support our students. In addition, we had a parent panel that shared their own journeys on being advocates for their students.
Spring Art Showcase- 5.3.23

"Engaging with art is essential to the human experience. Almost as soon as motor skills are developed, children communicate through artistic expression."
At Lynhaven, we know how important art is to ignite imagination, promote student engagement, support problem solving skills, and increase student achievement. Take a look at some of the art pieces that were shared at our Spring Art Showcase.

Lunch on the Grass- 5.10.23
Our students earned 50,000 paw prints for following our Lynhaven ABC's:
Act Responsibly
Behave Respectfully
Care for All

They took a vote for a paw print celebration- the votes came back and they wanted to have a picnic on the grass for lunch.
Such a great time!

Special Olympics- 5.12.23

Our students had such an amazing time at our Special Olympics. At Lynhaven, we embody acceptance and inclusion for everyone, everyday. 

*I know I speak for the entire Lynhaven community when I say I am so proud of our students.

Values on Display at our Special Olympics:

  • Even if it's hard, keep trying
  • Good sportsmanship 
  • Appreciate your unique talents and gifts
  • Treat others with kindness

Del Mar Grad Parade - 6.1.23

Thank you to Ms. Callaway-Wilson for organizing an opportunity for Del Mar Graduates to come back to Lynhaven to visit their elementary school and walk proudly in their caps and gowns. Such an exciting time for our former Lynhaven Lynx!! Such fine examples for our current Lynx 😊 
Best Wishes to all of the Graduates!!
I hope you enjoyed viewing some of the highlights from the last two months.

In partnership, 
Ms. Ramirez