Lynhaven Elementary School

Reopening information in one click

All reopening information in one place.

At our parent meeting on Tuesday, we discussed the information that was sent home to our families last week. These documents sent on our school messenger contained important information regarding our school reopening planned for January 19th as of right now. 

We've added a new drop down choice under the SCHOOL INFORMATION tab at the top of this page. Please see the picture below: 

You will find all of the information from the new parent handbook that was sent out. Please take a moment to look through it before our return to school. 

The meeting also covered some common questions. 

1. Can I change my cohort? 

Unfortunately, this is not an option. The teachers and office staff have worked hard to create balanced cohorts and include all siblings on our campus and in the middle schools. 

2. What does my child need to bring to school when they return? 

Students need to bring their charged chromebook, charger, all manipulatives that they use for math, reading and writing materials and books, a water bottle, and a snack. Lunches will be provided in a grab and go fashion to all children who want one free of charge for this school year. 

3. Are parents allowed on campus? 

At this time, we are not allowing any visitors on campus. We ask that only one parent do drop off and pick up and this will be done at the school gates. Students will line up with their teacher and walk from the front or back of the school, to their classrooms. They will be walked to the gates when school is dismissed as well. 

4. Will the school screen children for symptoms upon arrival? 

It is the parent's responsibilty to screen their child for any symptoms at home and if there is anything present, they are not to come to school. Any child that demonstrates any symptoms will go to the nurse and into the quarantine area until the parent arrives to pick them up. We ask that you are at school to pick up a sick child as soon as possible. 

5. Is the January 19th date a finalized date for return? 

We are continuing to plan for in-person school beginning on January 19, 2021. At that time, if we are in the red tier, we will go forward into Phase 2 of the Hybrid plan where students attend school in person depending on which cohort (group of students) they are in. This will be either attending school on Monday and Tuesdays or Thursday and Fridays. 

Our next parent meeting will be on Zoom on Thursday, January 14th, 2021 from 3:30-5:00. Translation services will be provided. Please give the office a call if you have any questions.