Lynhaven Elementary School

First Week Success - Thank You!

It was a great first week back!

It was a great first week back with all students on campus! We know these last 4 weeks will fly by and it will be the last day of school before we know it. We wanted to thank you for your support and flexibility during these interesting times. Here are a few reminders: 

-School is dismissed at 12:00,12:10, and 12:20 on Wednesdays. 
THANK YOU all for following our parent expectations and standing on the green Xs on the sidewalk and spacing yourself out from other people at drop off and pick up! 

-If you are driving to drop off or pick up, please stay with your car and pull forward as much as possible to allow for other cars to come into the parking lot. 

-The front of the school on the Cypress is not an area for pick up or drop off as it causes congestion on the street and an unsafe situation with trying to pull back into traffic. We have had cars get hit when trying to do so. 

-If you are in the pick up/drop off loop in the parking lot, it is imperative that students enter and exit your car on the PASSENGER side. Having your child enter or exit your car from the DRIVER side is dangerous for your child and our staff as they must walk into the drive through lane to escort your child. Students can slide by car seats to get to the driver side once inside your car. We'd encourage you to park in the neighborhood and come pick up your child at their gate if this is a concern for you. 

-At dismissal, we must ask that families leave campus so that we are following social distancing. Students playing on campus or families standing in groups, unless waiting for siblings, is unfortunately not allowed at this time. We really appreciate your understanding with this. 

Please feel free to contact the office if you have any questions. Again, THANK YOU for all of your help with us ensuring the safety of your children at school.