Art, Innovation & Music program supports teacher collaboration time and builds student creativity, critical thinking, and future-ready skills

Families gathered to celebrate student creativity and hands-on learning at Campbell Union School District’s (CUSD) annual Art, Innovation & Music (AIM) Showcase on March 20th. The interactive event featured colorful displays of student art, music, and engineering projects—highlighting the impact of AIM on student engagement and learning.
The AIM program provides all K–5 students with instruction in art, music, and innovation from credentialed specialists, and supports clubs and enrichment for middle schoolers. At the same time, it provides teachers with professional learning and collaboration time during the school day so that every student's learning journey is thoughtfully planned with high-quality, targeted instruction.
“AIM ensures our students receive innovative, engaging lessons aligned to academic standards and our Profile of a Graduate competencies to prepare our students with the skills needed to navigate the demands of an ever evolving future,” said Superintendent Shelly Viramontez.
By integrating design thinking and Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) standards, AIM sparks curiosity and helps students grow critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving skills.
More than 350 people attended the showcase, where families explored student work, created original music, launched paper rockets, played instruments, and watched student-made videos and newscasts.
“AIM prepares students for the future by offering a space for them to express themselves creatively,” said Alicia Peterson, CUSD Art Innovation Specialist. “It offers them a place to explore things that they might have not been exposed to before.”
Since launching in 2022, AIM has expanded across the district, now serving 4,000 K–5 students and offering middle school integration and clubs. During the 2024–25 school year, students receive over 109,000 minutes of AIM instruction, while teachers participate in 627 collaborative planning sessions. The program is already showing results, including supporting our continuous improvement work and high quality first instruction.
“Our talented AIM specialists inspire students to apply our Profile of a Graduate Competencies through art, innovation, and music lesson experiences,” said Julie Goo, CUSD Teaching and Learning Innovation Coordinator. “We are proud to design learning that is enriching and empowering for both our students and educators.”