Year-Long Distance Learning Program
Important information about the District's Year Long Program.
Last week, our Superintendent, Dr. Shelly Viramontez, held a virtual meeting to describe the district's plan for the 2020-2021 school year. If you were unable to attend, you can view the recording here:
Two instructional programs are available for the 2020-2021 school year. One is the regular 4-Phase Program which begins with all students in Distance Learning until we are cleared to move to the next phase. This is described in the presentation. All students who did not previously opt out of that program are enrolled in it.
The other option is the Year-Long Distance Learning program in which students will not return to school during this school year, even if students in the phase-in program are able to come back safely. If you wanted this program, you will remain on the list and will be contacted by your Distance Learning Administrator and the district teacher who will be teaching your child. This will not necessarily be a Lynhaven teacher.
The deadline to sign up for the Year-Long Distance learning program was this past Monday, August 3rd at 4:00 p.m. Applications for that program are no longer being taken.
*Important, If you signed up for year-long distance learning program in error and you want to have your child come back to school this year when it is safe, you will have until Thursday, August 6th by 4:00 to contact the Campbell Union School District enrollment department to place your child on the phase-in program. This will ensure that they are able to come back to school in stages this year when it is determined to be safe. Please call the district office if you signed up for this program in error. You can call the school office if you have any questions at (408) 556-0368. Thank you!