Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year
School begins on Monday, 8/24 for the 2020-2021 school year.

Hello Lynhaven Families,
I hope you all stayed healthy and safe during your summer break. All of us are busily preparing for your virtual arrival on the first day of school, Monday, August 24th. Whether you are participating in the Four-Phased or Year-long Distance Learning option, we will all begin this year in virtual classrooms. Our teaching staff officially started their year this week and have been diligently preparing for virtual teaching with our Lynx again! Our campus is buzzing with excitement as we begin this new journey together!
As we return to school with distance learning, you will notice that your child will be involved in more synchronous (live) lessons. There will be asynchronous (recorded) lessons that your child will also be responsible for watching. Please know the teachers are planning engaging activites and your child will not be in front of a screen all day. They will have PE activites along with some mindfullness activites too to get them up and moving! You can expect to hear more about your daily schedule from your teacher on the first day of school.
The school day will start at 8:30 and end at 2:15, and 1:15 on Wednesdays for all students in TK-5th grade. Our Kindergarten students will be on a modified schedule for the first 3 days of school due to 1:1 assessments and your teachers will explain this more at Curriculum pick up tomorrow. Attendance will be taken daily and participation in the distance learning classroom is an expectation. Students will be receiving report cards at the end of the trimester as with regular school.
Technology will be handed out tomorrow, 8/21, to our Phase-In students. Please see previous article CURRICULUM PICK UP to see your grade level times and locations on campus. All incoming kindergarteners, new students, and those with more than one CUSD student in their household will receive a chromebook. It will be helpful to bring a backpack to pick up your technology and your curriculum. This will help to get students into a back to school mindset and also to keep your technology safe. Here is a quick guide regarding technology in our district:
Tech Tools
Below is a guide to Distance Learning in CUSD in English and in Spanish which will be very helpful! Please take the time to read through it.
Ms. Ajlouni and I, along with the staff at Lynhaven, are excited to see our Lynx families virtually as we've missed you all. Please remember that when coming to campus for your learning materials, masks are required and social distancing expectations should be followed. See you at curriculum pick-up tomorrow!