Lynhaven Elementary School

Build the Habit of Good Attendance

One of the most important life habits we can instill in our students is attendance, or "showing up".Like you, we care about your children's education and about their future. You have big dreams for your child and we share those dreams. Here's why attendance is so important for success:

  • Attendance is the No. 1 predictor of droupout and graduation rates
  • Attendance and GPA are the biggest indicators and influences of college and career readiness
  • More than half of future dropouts can be predicted by sixth grade, based on attendance and failure in English and math
  • Students who miss 10 or more days of school are 20 percent less likely to graduate from high school
  • Students who miss school at an early age are more likely to struggle academically and, in later years, to drop out entirely
  • Students who miss 10 or more days of school are 25 percent less likely to enroll in college